명상/글 모음

신과의 교감 중에서

순수(Pure Soul) 2018. 4. 22. 11:41
[신나이 한구절] 영한대역 “신과의 교감” 38회


This is the journey on which you embarked many cen­turies and many lifetimes ago. It is the journey for which you have long prepared and that has brought you here, to this time and place.

이것[통달로 가는 여정]은 너희가 여러 세기 그리고여러 생애 이전에 시작했던 여정이다. 그것은너희가 오랫동안 준비했던 여정이고, 그리하여그것이 너희를 이곳으로, 현재 시간으로 현재의장소로, 데려왔다.


This is the journey that calls you more urgently now than ever before, on which you feel yourself proceeding with ever-increasing speed.

이것은 지금 예전의 그 어느 때보다 더 급박하게너희를 부르는 여정이다. 그 위에서 너희는 너희자신이 계속-증가하는 속도로 전진하고 있음을느낀다.


This is the inevitable outcome of the yearning of your soul.

이것은 너희 영혼의 갈망에 따른 당연한 결과이다.


It is the speaking of your heart, in the language of your body. It is the expression of Divinity within you. And it calls to you now as it has never called before—because you are hearing it now as it was never heard before.

그것은 너희 육체의 언어로 쓰여진, 너희 심장의연설이다. 그것은 너희 안에 있는 신성의 표현이다.그리고 너희가 예전에 한번도 그것을 듣지 않았던방식으로 너희가 지금 그것에 귀 기울이고 있기때문에, 그것은 예전에 한번도 부르지 않았던방식으로 지금 너희에게 소리친다.


It is time to share with the world a glorious vision. It is the vision of all minds that have ever truly searched, of all hearts that have ever truly loved, of all souls that have ever truly felt the Oneness of Life.

지금은 영광스러운 미래상[未來像]을 세상과 함께공유해야 할 시간이다. 그것은 삶의 하나인 상태를,항상 진정으로 찾았던 모든 마음의, 언제나진정으로 사랑했던 모든 가슴의, 항상 진정으로느꼈던 모든 영혼의 미래상이다.


Once you have felt this, you can never be satisfied with anything less. Once you have experienced it, you will want nothing but to share it with all those whose lives you touch.

너희가 한번이라도 이것을 느꼈다면, 너희는그보다 더 작은 어떤 것에 결코 만족할 수 없다.너희가 한번이라도 그것을 체험했다면, 너희는너희가 접촉하는 모든 사람들과 그것을 공유하는 것외에는 원하지 않을 것이다.


For this is the Reality, and it stands in spectacular contrast to the Illusion. You will be able to experience the Reality, and to know it, because of the Illusion. Yet you are not the Illusion, and the “you” that you experience within the Illusion is not Who You Really Are.

이것[영광스런 미래상]이 실체이기 때문이고,그래서 그것이 환상에 견주어서 화려하게 대조된다.너희는 그 환상으로 인하여, 실체를 체험할 수 있을것이고, 알 수 있을 것이다. 그럼에도 불구하고,너희는 환상이 아니며, 너희가 환상 속에서체험하는 “너희”는 너희의 진체가 아니다.


You cannot remember Who You Really Are as long as you imagine the Illusion to be real. You must understand that the Illusion is an Illusion—that you created it, for purposes very real, but that the Illusion itself is not real.

너희가 환상이 사실이라고 상상하는 동안에는너희가 너희의 진체를 기억할 수 없다. 너희는환상이 환상이라는 것 – 너희가 아주 사실적인용도로 그것을 만들어 냈다는 것, 그렇지만 환상 그자체가 사실이 아니라는 것 –을 이해해야만 한다.


This is what you have come here to remember, with more clarity than you have ever remembered it before.

너희는 너희가 예전에 그것에 대하여 언제나기억했던 것보다 더 많은 명료함을 갖고서, 지금말한 것을 기억하기 위해서 이 책으로 왔다.


The transformation of your world will depend on your re­membering.

너희 세상이 탈바꿈하는 것은 너희의 기억하기에달려 있을 것이다.


The meaning of the word education is not “to put in,” but “to draw out.” All true education is the drawing out from the student of what is already there.

교육이라는 단어의 의미는 “집어 넣는다”가아니라, “이끌어 낸다”이다. 모든 진정한 교육은학생에게서 이미 그곳에 있는 것을 끌어 내는것이다.


The Master knows that it is already there and has no need, therefore, to place it there. The Master simply endeavors to cause the student to notice that it is there.

영적지도자는 그것이 이미 그곳에 있고 그러므로그것을 그곳에 가져다 놓을 필요가 없다는 것을알고 있다. 영적지도자는 단순하게 그것이 그곳에있다는 것을 학생이 인지하는 원인이 되고자노력한다.


Teaching is never about helping others to learn but about helping them to remember.

가르치는 것은 다른 사람이 배우도록 돕는 것에관한 것이 결코 아니고, 그들이 기억하도록도와주는 것에 관한 것이다.


All learning is remembering. All teaching is reminding. All lessons are memories, recaptured.

모든 배움은 기억하는 것이다. 모든 가르침은생각나게 하는 것이다. 모든 수업은 되찾은기억들이다.


It is impossible to teach something new, for there is noth­ing new to teach. Everything that ever was, is now, and ever shall be, is, right now.

가르쳐야 할 새로운 것이 아무 것도 없기에, 어떤새로운 것을 가르친다는 것은 불가능하다. 항상있었고, 지금 있으며, 그리고 항상 있을 모든 것이,바로 지금, 있다.


The soul has access to all of this information. Indeed, the soul is all of this . . . in formation.

The soul is the Body of God, in formation.

영혼은 이 모든 정보에 접속했다. 실로, 영혼은 이모든… 형성 중인… 것이다.

영혼은, 형성 중인, 신의 육신이다.


I am in a constant process of formation. That process has been called evolution, and it is a process that never ends.

나는 항구적[恒久的]인 형성 과정 속에 존재한다.그 과정이 진화라고 불려졌고, 그것은 끝이 없는과정이다.


If you think of God as a process, or a being, that is “fin­ished,” you have not correctly remembered what is so.

너희가 신을 “완성된” 하나의 과정이나 하나의존재로 생각한다면, 너희는 사실인 것을 정확하게기억해내지 못하였다.


Here is a great secret: God is never finished.

With anything. Including you.

여기에 위대한 비밀이 있다 : 신은 결코 끝내지않는다.

어떤 것에 대해서도. 너희를 포함해서.


God is never finished with you.

신을 결코 너희를 완성시키지 않는다.


That is because you are what God is. And since God is not finished with God, God cannot possibly be finished with you.

그것은 너희가 신인 것이기 때문이다. 그리고, 신이신을 완성시킬 수 없기 때문에, 신이 너희를완성시키는 것은 가능할 수 없다.


Now, here is the Divine dichotomy: I have said that every­thing that ever was, is now, and ever shall be, is, right now. I have also said that the process of evolution is never-ending, and, thus, never over. How can both be true?

이제, 여기에 신성한 이분법이 있다 : 내가 ‘항상있었고, 지금 있으며, 항상 있을 모든 것이, 바로지금, 존재한다’라고 말했다. 나는 또한 ‘진화의과정이 영원히-끝나지-않는다’고 말했다. 어떻게 그두가지가 모두 다 사실일 수 있겠는가?

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