명상/from The Spirit

🌸 The Appearance Is Not Always Real. It Might B the Reflection of Some Thing Else!

순수(Pure Soul) 2024. 10. 13. 08:20

The Appearance Is Not Always Real.
It Might B the Reflection of Some Thing Else!

세상의 업장이나 우리 단체에 오는 사람들의 업장 때문에 별의별 일이 다 일어나니 그 누구도 탓하지 마세요. 

외부의 어떤 것도 탓하지 말고, 외부의 사건이나 외부의 사람이나 일을 탓하지 마세요. 

바깥 세상에서 일어나는 일들은 모두 이 지구에 사는 사람들과 존재들의 업으로 인한 거예요. 알겠어요? 

집단 공업이에요. 제자들의 공업입니다. 특히 제자들의 공업이고 세상의 공업이죠. […]

그런 불운한 말은 정말 피해야 하죠. 건강을 유지하려면 충분히 먹어야 해요. 

어제 해준 이야기이지만 지금 한 번 더 해줄 수 있어요. 

한 선비가 있었는데, 과거 시험을 보러 도성에 갔습니다. […]



올바른 결정은 남을 해치지 않는다, 2부 중 1부 - 한국어

Anything happens just because of the karma of the world, or the karma of some of the people that come to our group, so do not blame anyone. Do not blame anything outside, do not blame any external events or external person or happenings. Nothing happens ou
